Saturday, May 05, 2007

TuneUp Utilities 2007: Everything You Need To Optimize Your PC's Performance

For a while now, I've been plagued with a daunting task of finding a way to end the agonizing slowness of my laptop. I don't know what I did but I must have downloaded a lot of crap from the internet. I'm a download junkie and if I see a freeware that has some good geek value I always take the chance to sample it out and see if it works just as promised.

In order to optimize your system, you need to eliminate spywares, trojans, viruses, malwares and when you're done with that, and your system still doesn't offer any sign of progress then it's high time to look at other possible causes. Like what? Registry errors, disk errors, broken links to files, crapware (debris or traces left by programs that you have uninstalled that may still be sitting in your system), memory allocation problems, heavy fragmentation of files and other hidden system problems.

As usual I rummaged through and for whatever utility software I can find to save my ailing laptop.

◊» The Geek In Me TuneUp Utilities 2007: Everything You Need To Optimize Your PC's Performance

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