Sunday, November 30, 2008

Enhancing My Computing Life With A Mac

For all I can remember I’ve been using a PC ever since I turned my interest towards computers and the technology that goes with it. It was quite a long relationship full of bumps since PCs can be so slow and painful at times. You actually wonder how they created something so expensive and so stupid.

Anyways, I’ve had enough of it. I’m done with Windows PC for now. Not that I won’t touch my Windows-based PC again but I’ll probably be happy to give it away to one of my worthy recipients anytime soon.

How can you possibly keep on using something that unexpectedly stops in the middle of a challenging multi-tasked undertaking? Plus, your only clue is that the system is not responding. What a waste of time!

As computers evolve, things should get easier, at least with our computer-related tasks. But I don’t know. With Windows PC things only got a little more complicated and painstaking.

I went to an electronic store and for a moment set my eyes on a Mac. In less than ten minutes, I decided that it’s time to shift gears—from PC to Mac.

The result—a happier and more productive computing life with less to worry about.

Don’ t get me wrong though. Since these two creations are totally similar and unique at the same time, there’ll be some getting-used-to period needed in order for you to really appreciate the advantages of one over the other.

One thing that at first I thought was a disappointment with the Mac was the screen or display zoom function. Unlike Windows-based systems wherein you just click on an icon at the corner of the screen and immediately the screen occupies the entire viewing area, the Mac acts differently. It only zooms in to a particular size that will provide you with the maximum best resolution.

I was disappointed at first because of course I don’t want some unused portions of the screen. If my screen size says 13.3”, I would expect to get the same display size. Right?

Everything is made for a reason, and I guess by having Mac to behave that way, it allows any user an easy access to all open applications. But I still want my entire viewing screen, damn it!

No worries. Just drag that little corner on the bottom right part of the display window and feel free to resize it according to your preference. Use up the entire screen if you must. Now, are you happy?

Anyways, working with a Mac makes computing life a breeze. The built-in airport express allows unrivaled speed for Internet surfing.

I was good this year. Don’t I deserve a Mac? Huh? Santa?

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