Saturday, March 24, 2007

Getting Widget-Happy With Yahoo Widgets 4

About two days ago, Yahoo made Yahoo Widgets 4 available for download. As soon as I found out about it today, I wasted no time and immediately downloaded the widget application engine which is an upgrade of the formerly known Yahoo Konfabulator with its newly added widget dock and minimal memory usage. I have never seen so much widgets, in all my geeky existence. Yahoo actually did a good job of categorizing the different widgets based on the functionalities. With the added dock, Yahoo made it easy for users to customize the widgets by customizing the preferences. The widget dock itself can be set to collapse or to hide automatically.

Wait a minute, what is a widget? A widget is just a little file usually represented by icons or graphic symbols and it does pretty much any function that is assigned to it such as a calculator, a desktop calendar, a currency converter, a mail checker, a music player, a shortcuts folder, a daily reminder, a site updater, an RSS feed aggregator, etc.

◊» The Geek In Me: Getting Widget-Happy With Yahoo Widgets 4

Friday, March 23, 2007

Court Hearing

This is a humorous take on a court hearing. Enjoy!

In a murder trial coined as the case of the decade, too much media frenzy was causing anxiety on both the prosecution and defense panels. On the day when the accused was cross-examined by the prosecution, this is what transpired . . .

Prosecution: (addressing the accused) At the time of the incident, what did you does?

(Immediately the defense attorney stood up and raised his objection.)

◊» (11)Tell Me If This Ain't Funny: Court Hearing

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

DriveImage XML: Backing Up Your Data With A Sense

Like I said in my previous post we will be doing a big move soon and one of my major undertakings prior to the move is to make sure that the data in my laptops are backed up.

When electronic devices are subjected to certain temperature changes, shock, impact and other unwarranted handling procedures while transported, they have a tendency to malfunction and with respect to computers, the only sure way that you can preserve your data no matter what happens along the way, is to back it up.

How do I backup these data? For those of you who do not know, you can back up your data using Windows XP's (this is my OS) utility software--Backup.

I was left with a dilemma as to which third party software to download so I can efficiently back up my data. After a thorough search, I came up with two possible candidates: SyncBack and DriveImage XML.

◊» The Geek In Me: DriveImage XML: Backing Up Your Data With A Sense

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My 84-Yr. Old Masseuse

Who amongst us here enjoy a good pampering every once in a while? I do. It comes in the form of a massage.

A periodic massage to the body actually helps especially during stressful times. A massage often gives you the feeling of relief and rejuvenation. I don't know why, but it must be the release of tension that really makes massaging the body such a relaxing experience.

If you have the money, you can do the massage on a regular basis. The rate could go from about P300 to P5000 depending on where you get it. You can get it locally for a cheaper price or you can get it at a more exclusive spa for a much higher price.

◊» Duh...Keep It To Yourself: My 84-Yr. Old Masseuse

Think Geek: Getting Things Done With Thinking Rock

I've been really preoccupied these days with a lot of tasks, thoughts, anxieties and it's all because in the next few days we'll be relocating to another part of the globe. Hence, it was so easy for me to lose a lot of sleep.

Doing something big like a move is really taxing. Every detail has to be carefully kept an eye on. Thought-provoking scenarios in your head kept replaying every minute of each day until the big day. Wouldn't it be nice if you can just sit for 15 minutes and be able to unload your thoughts--just any random thoughts that is boggling you? Would it be nice if there's one application that helps you manage your tasks more efficiently and more effectively?

That's exactly what I needed at this time when it's so easy for me to get lost in my own train of thoughts because of the many tasks that are set to be accomplished right before me prior to the big move.

Normally I would just gather all my colorful stick-ons and colored pens to lay out everything on paper to clear my head. But no, not this time.

With some stroke of luck though, I found this Thinking Rock software. It is a neat software written in Java that can run on several platforms like Linux, Macintosh, or Windows and is based on GTD(getting things done) methodology.

◊» The Geek In Me: Think Geek: Getting Things Done With Thinking Rock