The hunger pangs brought about by starvation is something that you cannot ignore. Its immediate remedy cannot be postponed as well. I know what it's like to be poor and how hard it is to appreciate life when you're starving. I've been there once in the earlier part of my life, and I would never wish any of my children to go through the pains of starvation and hunger. We were like chickens. We had to constantly scratch the ground, then feed ourselves with the little bit of food that we find, figuratively speaking. It was a day to day struggle then. It was really hard. I know what it's like to savor the taste of an eighth portion of a piece of a banana fruit when you have been hungry for hours. It's like having your first mouthful of a big sumptuous thanksgiving dinner, to say the least.
This is a global dilemma. Everyone should lend a hand to save those children whose need for food is immediate. Other things can wait. But one starved soul, with no help in sight can easily slip away either out of this life, or out of the goodness in life. He can either die or survive, but if he does live, his experience will render him rotten morally as an individual because a hungry stomach blurs your vision to what is right or what is evil. When you are starved, you are willing to bite the bullet, and it doesn't even matter. So let's not wait. Let us all help ease poverty and starvation, in whatever way we can. It is never too late. I am certain that our little effort will not be rendered futile.
◊» Duh... Keep It To Yourself The Ugly Face Of Poverty