Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Skinny Jeans: What's So Skinny About Them?

You're going to hate me for this, but I must say that nothing about the skinny jeans appeal to me. Everywhere I go jeans shopping, I hear other women asking about skinny jeans. Well, duh! Isn't it obvious that if you are twenty pounds overweight, no pair of skinny jeans can save you unless you work out those extra pounds away? Enough with all the optical illusion thing. The hype is just not going to work for everyone. Sadly, some women easily fall prey into the fashion trap. Most women are easily deceived into embracing the 'IN' thing even if it makes them look ten times worse than they already do. I'm not saying that women should ignore the recent fashion trends, but I'm urging women to have a little more sense on what they wear. It's not just about what's 'IN'. It's more on what fits your physique and what's comfortable on you. Women should realize that there's more to fashion than meets the eye. I mean if something obviously will only make you look ten times desperate would you wear it?

◊» Because I'm Not A Man Skinny Jeans: What's So Skinny About Them?

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