Monday, April 23, 2007

Billmonk: A Neat Way To Keep Track of Who Owes You What

It was a friends' night out. You picked the bill for the group's dinner but it was agreed that everyone has to chip in. Will you just forget about it? How are you going to collect? You were away on vacation and the rent is due. Your roommate paid the rent. Thus, you owe him half the monthly dues. Will you remember? How will you pay? You have a collection of books and most of it is out with your colleagues at work. In turn they also lent to you their DVD movies. Perhaps you also have some other stuff that you generously loaned out to friends, relatives, neighbors, etc. Where do you stand in all of these? Do you even have the time to keep track of all of these? It is a fact that it is somewhat awkward to collect something from somebody, more so, if it involves money. So how do you go about this?

◊» The Geek In Me Billmonk: A Neat Way To Keep Track of Who Owes You What

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obopay acquired BillMonk...not the other way around